Summarised Balance Sheets 1955-1962

Year ended: 31st March 1955 31st March 1956 31st March 1957 31st March 1958 31st March 1959 31st March 1960 31st March 1961 31st March 1962
Fixed Assets at Cost as payments on account of capital works in progress 29,281 735,566 1,519,070 1,966,661 2,433,287 3,072,786 3,814,155 4,870,829
Less Depreciation 0,104 16,864 152,969 362,979 627,071 924,011 1,259,312 1,577,417
Net Value of Fixed Assets 29,177 718,702 1,366,101 1,603,682 106,216 2,148,775 2,554,843 3,293,412
Reserve Fund Investments 360,368 499,988 1,470,004 1,919,996
Current Assets less Current Liabilities -3,917 -56,464 277,907 1,003,747 1,383,092 2,028,321 2,075,917 1,721,667
Total Net Assets 25,260 662,238 1,644,008 2,607,429 3,549,676 4,677,084 6,100,764 6,935,075
Advances by HM Postmaster-General less repayments 55,936 555,000 509,933 451,534 390,431
Loan Redemption Reserve 45,067 103,466 555,000 555,000
Capital Expenditure Reserve 580,000 1,050,000 1,255,000 1,595,000 2,555,000 3,295,000
Increased Cost of Replacement of Fixed Assets 100,000
Reserve Fund 250,000 500,000 147,000 1,920,000 192,000
Taxation Reserve 105,000 500,000 720,000 782,000 1,005,000 1,032,000 945,000
Contribution to the Exchequer 450,000 531,311
Unappropriated Balance on Revenue Account (Dr) 30,676 2,238 9,008 32,429 67,245 52,084 143,764 143,764
  £25,260 £662,238 £1,644,008 £2,607,429 £3,549,676 £4,677,084 £6,100,764 £6,935,075