Channel Islands

Channel Television is the trading name of Channel Islands Communications (Television) Limited, which is a limited liability company registered in Jersey and is the programme contractor appointed by the Independent Television Authority for the Channel Islands.
Channel Television Centre, Rouge Bouillon, St. Helier, Jersey C.I.
Smith Street, St. Peter Port, Guernsey C.I.
Mercury House, Knightsbridge, London S.W.7.
KNIghtsbridge 3761
ITA Channel Vision Sound Opening Date Population ITA Homes Transmitter Frequency Frequency 000's 000's Mc/s Mc/s Fremont Point 9 194.75 191.25 1st Sept 1962 100 25
WH Krichefski, OBE (Chairman); Mrs George Troy; Deputy EH Bodman; C Forbes Cockell; Conseiller ED Collas; Harold Fielding; AG Harrison; G le G Peek; WN Rumball; Advocate K Hooper Valpy.
Kenneth A Killip (General Manager); Edwin F Baker (Secretary); Brian Turner (Operations Manager); Ron Blundell (Sales Controller); John Peplow (Local Sales Manager); Ward J Rutherford (Head of News and Features).
The total staff of the station is 65. This includes a staff of five at the Guernsey office and 14 at the London office.
Visits to Studios
Channel Television does not, in general, originate programmes in which there is audience participation. Applications to visit the studios may, however, be made to Miss Betty Fearon, Channel Television Centre, Rouge Bouillon, Jersey, by groups of up to ten people wishing to see them.
Religious Advisory Committee
Canon AS Giles, Dean of Jersey (representing Anglican Church, Jersey); Canon AV Olney (Roman Catholic, Jersey); Rev. WNC Wooldridge (Free Churches, Jersey); Rev. KC Cadman (Anglican Church, Guernsey); Rev. C Bozeat (Free Church, Guernsey); Father L Targett (Roman Catholic Church, Guernsey).
Agricultural Advisory Committee
EJ de Garis (Guernsey); GC Sowells (Guernsey); HP Martel (Guernsey); EA Wheadon (Guernsey); PJ Le Masurier (Jersey); Deputy Mrs Phyllis Green (Jersey); L du Feu (Jersey).
Enquiries about artistes and programmes should be addressed either to the Editor, The Channel Viewer, Smith Street, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, or Viewers’ Correspondence, Channel Television Centre, Rouge Bouillon, Jersey.
Submission of Script
By its nature, Channel Television’s script requirements are limited and would only be of interest if they were of a strictly local nature. The Head of News and Features, however, welcomes ideas for items of a local nature, and these should be addressed to him.
Programme Journal
The Channel Viewer is published by Channel Islands Communications (Television) Limited, and its editorial address is Smith Street, St. Peter Port, Guernsey.
Studio One at the Television Centre, area 1,000 sq. ft., has facilities for Channel local origination, measures 40′ × 25′. Equipped with two Vidicon cameras. The Studio has been designed with room for expansion as the station grows. Room for expansion has also been allowed for in the technical area and in the administrative block by the addition of another storey. The station also has a small presentation studio, equipped with a Vidicon type camera.
Other technical facilities: two telecine machines, capable of taking 35-mm. (optical track) or slides. One is additionally equipped to take 16-mm. optical or magnetic track film.
Film Facilities
The station has two film units equipped with Bach-Auricon 16-mm, Pro 600 Special sound or silent cameras. One is permanently stationed in Guernsey, and the other in Jersey. The station is equipped with an automatic processor and uses reversal stock, transmitting positive.
Technical Development
The station has experimented successfully with 8-mm. film transmission, and has one telecine equipped to take an 8-mm. projector when necessary. This has added greatly to the versatility of a small station by making it possible to use film shot by amateurs or film already existing on 8-mm. stock.
Channel News, a local newscast and newsreel, is transmitted every day. Channel News Summary, a daily late-night summary of local news, transmitted each day, including Saturdays and Sundays. Channel Sports Round-up, a weekly rundown on Channel Islands sports activities, transmitted on Thursdays. Studio Tuesday and Studio Friday, two weekly magazine/topicality type programmes, interpreting the local news and events and bringing Island personalities to the screen. The Church in View, a monthly religious forum, in which Church leaders from all the islands participate, and face viewers’ questions. The Day is Ended, a nightly religious talk by Island Church figures. The News in French, a nightly programme, echoing the British viewpoint on the news and international events, transmitted in French. Island Farmer, a weekly programme of the Islands’ agricultural and horticultural life. Serenade, an occasional musical programme, in which local entertainers are presented. Island Forum, an irregular programme, in which local topics are presented, e.g., housing, the effects on the Channel Islands of Britain joining the Common Market. Visitors’ Book, an irregular programme, in which eminent people visiting the Channel Islands are introduced to Channel viewers. Weather, a daily forecast for the Islands, coming direct from the Meteorological Department of the States of Jersey Airport.